

Mast Climbing Work Platforms are marvelous pieces of equipment. And safe too, provided you behave yourself. Actually it isn’t very difficult to use these platforms—provided you have been trained. That isn’t unusual. After all, if you want to use any scaffold or aerial platform you have to be...
I’m no genius and I am not a psychic but hey, I can spin a good story as well as anyone. I will focus on what I know and what I’ve seen (that’s where a knowledge of the past is handy) and give you my opinion about the effect of new developments. When one thinks of the scaffold frame, its tough to...
Imagine a scaffold industry without rules and guidelines. Imagine that you could do anything you wanted with a scaffold. Imagine a scaffold industry without OSHA or ANSI. (I’ll bet a few of you could easily imagine that!) Imagine that you had no idea how to use a scaffold safely. Imagine nobody...
While scaffolds come in all shapes, sizes, and function, they can be categorized as supported, suspended or aerial lifts. The American National standards Institute, ANSI, has defined an aerial platform as “a mobile device that has an adjustable position platform, supported from ground level by a...
Did you ever wonder where the OSHA standards came from? For that matter, did you ever wonder where OSHA came from? How did the scaffold standards come to be? Did they always exist? Have you ever heard of Letters of Interpretation and Directives? You might be surprised at the answers. The Federal...