

Fall protection for aerial lift operators and users, while straightforward in my mind, seems to be a mysterious phenomenon that bewilders the minds of many and produces myths worthy of aNew Yorkbest selling novel! Fortunately, there is no need for it to be this way. Admittedly, the Federal...
If I was to tell you that I was going to be committed, would you consider joining me or would you look at me with some suspicion? And why would you look at me with some suspicion? How about if I was to suggest that you should be committed? Would you take offense to that? Well, don’t be offended but...
An explanation of the intent of the OSHA scaffold inspection standard According to certain authoritative sources, scaffolds shall be inspected for defects. You ask yourself, why should it be necessary to inspect a scaffold? After all, if the scaffold erector is any good, shouldn’t the scaffold be...
No assembly required? That’s right. Unload that aerial lift off the truck, hop on and away you go. And go you will – just in ways you may not anticipate. And that is the problem. Too many users of aerial lifts think they are a no brainer to use. They assume there isn’t anything to it. Push a...
What is a scaffold? A scaffold is “any temporary elevated platform (supported or suspended) and its supporting structure (including points of anchorage), used for supporting employees or materials or both.” (OSHA 29CFR 1926.250) This includes frame scaffolds for example, and also two planks...