

David H. Glabe, P.E.

See what David H. Glabe has to say about construction engineering and the scaffolding industry.

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Various standards and codes require that an engineer’s services are to be used for certain scaffold designs and installations. Is that really necessary? After all, thousands of scaffolds are constructed daily without any input from engineers. Furthermore, do these engineers need to be qualified...
The suspension rope supporting a temporary platform is the single most important element of a suspended scaffold. You may not agree with this—too bad for you. What if the rope breaks? The platform can only go down and if you are at a considerable height, the result will be mostly unpleasant....
Spring is in the air, the birds are chirping and scaffolds are being built. Can life get any better? It used to be that contractors feared winter in the northern regions of North America. Cold temperatures, snow, wind and generally miserable conditions prompted owners and contractors to curtail...
A lot has been said about falls and fall protection. The U.S. Federal Occupational Safety & Health Administration, OSHA, has emphasized fall hazard awareness and increased enforcement of the fall protection regulations for years in the hope that deaths and major injuries due to falls in the...
While some rules and regulations are well known to the industry, sometimes the application of those regulations may be hidden in the complexity of the details. Here are a few confusing questions and equally confusing answers about scaffolding and the applicable standards. If I construct a stairway...