

How much? No, not money, but how much can the scaffold hold? Have you ever wondered about that? If you have, that is not good for the simple and straightforward fact that if you are involved with the rental, sale, erection or use of scaffolds you are required to know the answer. That’s right; it’s...
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration was created by the United States Congress in 1970 in response to the injuries and deaths that were occurring in American workplaces. The law requires that employers provide “employees employment and a place of employment which are free from...
It is suggested that safety in the industrial sector of the construction market is safer than the commercial sector which is safer than the residential market. Is this true? How can it be true? After all, don’t the same safety standards apply to all construction? If experience has anything to do...
There is no diplomatic way to state this but to say it’s just wrong. I’m speaking of the misguided idea that platforms constructed by placing plywood on scaffold planks is not allowed under the present U.S. Federal regulations governing the construction and use of scaffolds in the United States....
What is a scaffold? A scaffold is “any temporary elevated platform (supported or suspended) and its supporting structure (including points of anchorage), used for supporting employees or materials or both.” (OSHA 29CFR 1926.250) This includes frame scaffolds for example, and also two planks...