

Editor’s Note: The opinion expressed in this article does not necessarily reflect the opinions or policy of the Scaffold Industry Association. It’s time to make some changes. Since 1996 we’ve been wrestling with fall protection for scaffold erectors without resolution. It’s time to make changes to...
Fall protection for aerial lift operators and users, while straightforward in my mind, seems to be a mysterious phenomenon that bewilders the minds of many and produces myths worthy of aNew Yorkbest selling novel! Fortunately, there is no need for it to be this way. Admittedly, the Federal...
Experience indicates that certain scaffold safety issues remain unresolved in the minds of those responsible for safety. More specifically, it appears that fall protection requirements and access requirements are not understood. So, let’s see if we can sort out the issues. Fall protection for...
Last month, the use of attachable ladders was discussed as a method for gaining access to scaffold platforms. Of course, this isn’t the only way to get to the top of a scaffold, or for that matter, somewhere in between. Portable ladders are a popular choice for many users since they can be easily...
When is a platform a work deck and when is it formwork? This question is frequently asked during the process of erecting shoring equipment. A similar question is whether the equipment is scaffolding or shoring. Often the situation is misdiagnosed and the ensuing conversation concerning the...